Select Configuration from the System sub-menu. The screen that will appear will be the Temple Profile Screen. Click on the tab to the right titled "Funds" to bring up the following screen:
This screen lists the funds set up in your system. To add a fund, click <Add> to see the following screen:
After Fund #, enter a fund number from 1 - 999 and press [Enter] to move to the Fund Description field. Type in a description such as "Building Fund" here and press [Enter] to continue. Type in the corresponding Income Account from your General Ledger Chart of Accounts in the Income Account field and press [Enter]. The Cash and Receivables Accounts will be automatically filled in as the defaults on the preceeding page. You can change these defaults at any time.
Non - Deductible Percentage or Amount:
In this section, enter the percentage or amount of the fund which is Non-Deductible. For example, if only 10% of a particular fund is deductible, enter a "90" here for the Non-Deductible percentage. In some cases, you may have a fund which has a Non-Deductible amount rather than a percentage. For example, a Building Fund Dinner may be 100% deductible after the first $20.00 is paid (cost of the dinner.) In that case, leave the Non-Deductible percentage blank and enter a "20" in the Non-Deductible amount field.
The address and salutation fields at the lower part of the screen are only used for Memorial Funds. When you have finished entering the fund information press the <Save> button next to the <Add> button. This will save the fund to the master list. Save the Configuration changes by pressing the <Save> button next to the <Exit> button.