Configuration - User Defined Fields

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TempleTracker has Standard Fields and User-Defined Fields. The Standard Fields include "Name", "Birthday", "Address", etc and cannot be changed. User-Defined Fields are fields named by you to store any additional information on the member that you wish. There are 40 User-Defined Membership Fields, 60 User-Defined Participation Fields, 80 User-Defined Checklist Fields, and 6 User-Defined Yahrzeit Fields.

Membership Fields:

To set up your User-Defined Membership Fields, select Configuration from the System sub-menu. Then click the "Member Titles" tab to display the screen below:

On this screen, you would type in the titles of your User-Defined Fields as you would like them to appear on each member's Membership Screens. Each User-Defined Membership Field is a different length and type, i.e. some are numeric fields which should be used for dates, some are 40 characters in length and should be used for large data such as Hebrew Name, spouse's name, child's name, and so on. Some are 5 characters in length, some 10 characters, etc. Before defining your own fields, you will need to think about the length and type of information that you are saving and choose the best field to store that data.

The following list shows the field and the maximum length and type of data associated with it in the Membership file. Your descriptive titles for the data, which you enter on the screen above, can be up to 12 characters for each field.

"1.", "2.", and "3." - These three fields can be a maximum length of 5 characters each when you fill in the information on the membership screen.

"4.", "5.", and "6." - These three fields are used to store non-standard dates. They are commonly used for information such as "Bar/Bat Mitzvah", "Anniversary", and "Resigned" Dates.

"7.", "8.", "9.", and "10." - These four fields are each 10 characters long.

"11." - The maximum length for this field is 40 characters and it is occasionally used for "Hebrew Name" or "Spouse's name".

"12." - This is a one character field. This field, often used for "Financial Code", is a special field in the TempleTracker System. This field has a "Drop-Down" associated with it, meaning you can create a list of valid values that the user can select from when entering information in the Members screen. These valid values are often codes that represent something larger or have a special meaning in your Temple. For example, if you use this field for "Financial Code", then you may say that if there is a "0" in this field for a particular member that the member pays "Regular Dues". If the member has a "1" in this field, then they would pay "Single Dues". If the member has a "2" in this field, then they pay "Senior Dues". Then you would use this field to build queries in order to do a global assessment of all "Regular dues", "Single Dues", and "Senior Dues". There are 36 possible codes for this field.

"13." - This is a two character field. This field, often used for "Occupation", is a special field in the TempleTracker System. This field has a "Drop-Down" associated with it, meaning you can create a list of valid values that the user can select from when entering information in the Members screen. These valid values are often codes that represent something larger or have a special meaning in your Temple. For example, if you use this field for "Occupation", then you may say that if there is a "0" in this field for a particular member that the member's occupation is "Accountant", if the member has a "1" in this field, then their occupation is "Banker", and so on. Since the codes themselves can be 2 characters long, you can have more codes. It is possible to have 1296 different codes for this field.

"14." - The maximum length of this field is 10 characters long.

"15.", "16.", and "17." - These three fields have a maximum length of 4 characters.

"18." And "19." - These two fields have a maximum length of 20 characters.

"20." - This is a one character field. This field, often used for "Restrictions", is a special field in the TempleTracker System. Like fields "12." And "13.", this field has a "Drop-Down" associated with it, meaning you can create a list of valid values that the user can select from when entering information in the Members screen. These valid values are often codes that represent something larger or have a special meaning in your Temple. For example, if you use this field for "Restrictions", then you may say that if there is a "0" in this field for a particular member that the member has no restrictions ("None"), if the member has a "1" in this field, then they're "Visually Impaired", if the member has a "2" in this field, then they're "Hearing Impaired", and so on.

"21. - 40." - All of these fields will store information up to 55 characters. To reach these field titles, click on the lower right hand corner where it looks like the page is beginning to turn.

Participation Fields:

The User-Defined Participation Fields are displayed on the next page. You can access them by clicking on the lower right hand corner to turn the page or by clicking on the tab "Partic. Titl." There are 60 user defined fields which all hold data for a one character code only. You can enter such titles as "Brotherhood," "Sisterhood," or "Adult Education" to keep track of membership information. These fields can hold one character codes; for example, for "Brotherhood" your codes may be:

R: for Regular Member

B: for Board Member

P: for Prospective Member

L: for Lifetime Member

Or, you may want to use numbers to represent these codes. Then, when you are building reports or creating merge files, you can select which members to use based on their codes in this field.

Checklist Fields:

The User-Defined Checklist Fields are used like Participation Titles but they can only hold values of "yes" or "no" (represented by either being checked or unchecked). You would use these fields if you do not need special codes like the ones we used for Brotherhood Membership, but just need to know whether or not someone is a member of a particular group. To access the Checklist Screen, you can either click on the lower right hand corner three times to scroll through all sixty Participation Titles or you can click on the "Checklist Ttl" Tab to the right of the screen.

Yahrzeit Fields:

There are 6 User-Defined Fields for the Add Yahrzeit Screen. Access these by clicking the "Yahrzeit Titles" tab on the Configuration Screen.

Save Changes to Configuration Screens:

Save the changes made to the configuration screen by clicking <Save> in the lower right-hand corner. You will get a confirmation that your changes have been saved. Click <OK> then click <Exit> to return to the Main Menu.