Transfer to General Ledger

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The "Transfer to General Ledger" Program is used to export the General Ledger Records to a text-delimited format so that you can then import the transactions into your General Ledger. TempleTracker can export files to the FCC Accounting System, QuickBooks, and Solomon Accounting. Select Transfer to General Ledger from the Contributions/Assessments sub-menu to see the following screen:

Enter the Path and File Name that you want to save the exported file to and then click the <Export> button to begin exporting the records. If you only enter a filename, the file will be stored in the Temple95 directory, the default directory for TempleTracker. A log is printed for all transactions, so you will need to check that your printer is on line and has plenty of paper before you begin.

TIP: After exporting the transactions, the "Transfer to General Ledger" feature resets so that there are no longer any transactions to export until more are entered. If you were to export again immediately to the exact same path and filename, the file will be overwritten by a blank file. For this reason, if you need to check to see if the file exported, either a) open the file using another program or b) type in a test name and click <Export> and you should get the message "There are no records to export."

Clicking the <Browse> button allows you to search the drives and directories to decide where you want to save the file.

Click <Exit> to return to the Main Menu.