To access an existing member's screen:
Click on the Browse/Update member selection under the Membership sub-menu. All families will be listed alphabetically by last name of the A member, or head of household. Clicking on the plus sign next to the names shows the other members in the family:
In the example above, Ira Aaronson is in the same family as Leslie but David and Elaine Bernstein are in separate families.
Highlight the member you would like to browse or update and double click to view their membership screen. You can now make changes and press <Save> when finished to save your changes.
On the screen above, you can also click the <Skip to Member Screen> button to view a blank screen. Click the Search button if you would like to search for the member without having to scroll through all of the names. You may use wild cards such as * if you are unsure of the exact spelling. For example, to find David Bernstein, type in Bern* for the member's name and the system will pull up a subset of everyone with Bern in their name. Use the <Prev> and <Next> buttons to find the exact member.
When you have finished browsing or updating, click the <Save> button to save your changes or the <Exit> button to return to the main menu without saving your changes.
You may edit any field of the Membership Screen except the "Family Code and Member Code" fields. If you wish to change a members Family or Member Code then you must use the Program "Change Member" located on the "Member" Sub-menu.