The TempleTracker System has two types of accounts, the user account and the system account. You may have an infinite number of user accounts, however you may have only one system account. The user account gives you access to the TempleTracker System itself while the system account gives you access to a program that allows you to CREATE user accounts. When you first Install the TempleTracker System the system account user ID is "SYSTEM" and the password is "FCC". To create your first user account, enter "System" for the user ID and press <ENTER>. Enter "FCC" for the password and press <ENTER>. The "User Account Screen" will be displayed.
Changing the System Password
Take note of the button on the bottom of the screen labeled <Chg Sys Pwd>. This button is used to signal to the system that you wish to Change the System Password. Please call technical support (1-888-783-6753) before you change your system password to record it with us. Otherwise, if you change your password and forget the new password, your database must be sent to the main office of Fogle Computing Corp. for repair. If you select the <Chg Sys Pwd> button the "Change System Password" screen will appear. Enter the "Old" system password. For example, if this is your first time changing the system password enter "FCC" and press <ENTER>. Then enter what you want the new system password to be. The password is masked so that no one can see what you are typing. You will be asked to verify your new password. If the two passwords do not match then you'll receive a message that the password has not been changed and you'll return to the "User Account Screen".
Adding a New User Account
To enter a new account, click the button labeled <New> on the bottom of the "User Account Screen". The cursor will appear on the "User ID" field. Enter a unique user ID for the account that you are setting up. The user ID can be any 7 character code that is not already in use except "SYSTEM". As discussed earlier, "SYSTEM" belongs to the system account. Type in the user's first name, last name, initials, and assign them a beginning password. Once the account is setup the user can change his/her password at any time using the menu option "Change Password", located in the System Sub-menu of the TempleTracker System (See Changing Password). The field labeled "Last Logon Date" is maintained by the system and will be blank until the user uses his/her account for the first time.
Beneath the user information fields, on the bottom of the screen is a section to allow you to enter user restrictions. There is a checkbox for each menu option in the TempleTracker System. For each user, check which options they will be allowed to use and check these options. For a master user, hit [F9] to fill in all check boxes at once. Or, if a user will be given most of the options, hit [F9] to fill in all check boxes then remove the options you do not want this user to be able to use.
When you've completed filling in all of the User Restrictions for the User Account click on the <Save> button to save the account.
Updating an Existing User Account
To Update an existing account use the <Prev>, <Next>, and/or <Search> button to find the account that you want to edit. The <Search> button allows you to enter the name of the User whose account you are trying to find. Once the Account is displayed click the <Update> button. Make the changes to the account and then click the <Save> button to save your changes. Updating Accounts is useful if a user forgets his/her Password and you need to look it up for them or if you need to change the restrictions for a User. You can change any field except the User ID. If you want to change the User ID the only way to do it is to Delete the Account and the recreate it with the new ID.
Deleting a User Account
To Delete an existing account use the <Prev>, <Next>, and/or <Search> buttons to find the account that you wish to delete. The <Search> button allows you to enter the name of the user whose account you are trying to find. Once the account is displayed click the <Delete> button and the system will ask you if you are sure you want to delete the system. If you answer <Yes> then the account will be deleted permanently.
Exiting the User Account Screen
When you are finished adding, updating, or deleting User Accounts click the <Exit> button and you will return the TempleTracker Start-Up Screen. You may either enter a user ID and Password to get into the TempleTracker System or click <CANCEL> to close the system.